In a modern work environment, it is important for companies to pay attention to the health and welfare of employees such as taking strategic steps to have a Company Doctor. Company doctors are at the forefront of maintaining the health conditions of workers so as to optimize the performance and productivity of a company. Company doctors are not only doctors who work in a Company Clinic which is more curative in nature, but focuses more on health activities that are Promotive, Preventive and Rehabilitative to the workforce, while curative can be done by insurance or independently.
The duties of a Company Doctor are divided into four scopes, namely Medical, Technical work environment, Technical Administrative and Social Environment. The Medical scope, for example, runs health service programs such as health checks, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of common diseases. Technical Work Environment in this case the company doctor must have knowledge of measuring instruments for environmental safety and health standards including climate conditions, noise, lighting and others to determine the effect of the environment on worker health, as well as being able to assess the physical abilities of a worker and make recommendations for workplace adjustments for the productivity of the workforce.
Administrative Technical Obligations include medical recording and reporting, routine health administration, and planning HIPERKES development efforts in the company. Social Environment such as health counseling like healthy lifestyles, nutrition, and food quality as well as being involved in First Aid Training (First Aid in Accidents) is also the duty of the Company Doctor to train or refresh training periodicly of workers who have been certified in first aid.
The government in its role to protect workers has regulated the law on Company Doctors in Law No. 1 of 1970 concerning work safety and Permenaker and Transmigration No. Per.02 / MEN / 1980 concerning Labor Health Examinations in the Implementation of Occupational Safety, so that having a Company Doctor is mandatory but in reality many companies still do not implement it.
Problems that often occur in companies that have not used a Company Doctor include the obligation to include workers in the BPJS Employment (BPJS JAMSOSTEK), the Organizational Structure which generally places the position of the Company Doctor under HRD or K3 (HSSE), and already has its own health clinic. The qualification to become a Company Doctor is not easy because it must take part in Hygiene training organized by the Occupational Safety and Health Technical Implementation Unit (UPTK3) and have received a certificate from the Ministry of Manpower as the Company Doctor.
Presenting a Company Doctor has many benefits for companies because with its main focus on the health and welfare of workers, companies can reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and know the process of Occupational Diseases (PAK) so that prevention of PAK can be done and create a safer and healthier work environment. Klinik Utama Sentra Medika Surabaya in its capacity as an experienced Health Service Provider has helped to provide Company Doctors for many companies both national and international. Contact our Customer Service for more information.