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The Potential Hazard and risks of using Grinding Machine

Grinders, commonly used across various industries from construction to manufacturing, pose significant risks to their users. Hazards associated with grinder usage include direct contact injuries with the grinder wheel, like cuts, punctures, and potentially amputations. Metal dust (Grams) can cause eye irritation up to blindness, and very fine metal dust (debris) poses serious hazard if inhaled, like poisoning and respiratory issues. The noise generated by grinder machines can lead to stress and hearing impairments, even deafness.

Work safety must be the top priority, and workers or grinder operators must recognize the potential hazards and risks to prevent unwanted accidents and future illness  (future) Occupational Disease. Basic equipment training, risk supervision, ensuring adequate airflow, and proper maintenance of equipment should be conducted to use grinders safely and effectively and prevent workplace accidents. The use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as eye protection and gloves can reduce the risk of injury, metal dust Exposure, and respiratory issues (lung disease).

The most common workplace accidents for grinder operators who don't wear proper PPE involve metal dust getting into their eyes. Theese are some Tips to follow if metal dust getting into your eye:

  • Stop your work immediately and remain calm.
  • Avoid rubbing or manipulating the eye.
  • Rinse your eye with clean flowing water or Sterile Saline solution as first aid.
  • Seek immediate medical attention from the company doctor or nearest physician for emergency treatment and to avoid further complications.

Concern for workers' safety and health is the responsibility of every company. The company doctor and implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) demonstrate the company's concern for workers as the company's greatest asset. Entrust OHS management and the company doctor to Sentra Medika Surabaya to ensure workers work more comfortably, safely, and proudly for your company.